Grand Lodge
Knights of Pythias
Domain of Quebec
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Friendship -- Life's Most Valuable Commodity, It cannot Be Bought, It Cannot Be Sold, It Must Be Earned.

The Order Knights of Pythias was founded in Washington D.C., by Justus Henry Rathbone and six other young men, on February 19, 1864, and was quickly spread throughout the land, sought after by men everywhere who were tired of conflict and hungry for the outstretched hand of true friendship.

Today, more than a century and a  half after its founding, men of good will and friendly persuasion, together with their sister organization, carry on the proud tradition and seek to disseminate friendship in all parts of Canada and the United State.

Throughout the rituals of the Order and by the lessons taught and ceremonies performed, the Order seeks to take hold of the hearts of men in a never ending quest for International Brotherhood. Present at every lodge meeting is the opened Bible, our book of law, resting upon an altar and the flag of the country in which the lode is located, displayed with dignity and love. These symbols signify that the Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters have a belief in a Supreme Being and love for their country.

The Order does not seek to shape the creed of its members and is not a religious organization. it is required that everyone who seeks membership must have belief in a Supreme Being. How the members worship that Supreme Being is a matter of their personal choice.


The organization consists of a Supreme Lodge, which has jurisdiction over the entire Order in Canada and the United States.

The Grand Lodges has jurisdiction over all lodges within a particular Province, State, District or Territory.

The Subordinate Lodge is the lodge of the individual member of the Order in Provinces, States, Cities, Villages or Towns within the Provinces and States.


Behind the Knights of Pythias is is the story of Damon and Pythias, who lived in Syracuse around 2500 years ago. In that story, in order to allow Pythias to visit his family before being killed for angering the local ruler, Damon offered to stay in Pythias's place until he returned, and, if he didn't, to be killed in his place. Because of his beliefs and his friendship for Damon, Pythias did return, though he could easily have just taken the time to escape. The Knights Of Pythias is based on the friendship of Damon and Pythias.

Motivated by that story, Justus H. Rathbone founded the Knights Of Pythias in Washington, D.C. on February 19, 1964. Its members has included such notables as Hugo Black, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, William Jennings Bryan, U.S. Senator, Benjamin Cardozo, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Warren G. Harding, U.S. President, Hubert Horatio Humphrey, U.S. Vice President, William McKinley, U.S. President, Nelson A. Rockefeller, U.S. Vice President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. President, and Robert Byrd, U.S. Senator
Since then, the Knights Of Pythias has expanded so that it now has regional organizations, called domains, in many states and provinces of the United States and Canada.

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