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Knights of Pythias
Domain of Quebec

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Time for a little chuckle:

A speaker not to be missed!

Save the date!!!

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 at 7:00 p.m.

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Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias
in association with
Residences B'Nai Brith House

Presents our
Wellness Series

In the past we have welcomed.....................

Caryn Roll

RoseMary Steinberg

Jewish General Hospital
Dr. Laurie Betato

Sex Therapist and
Radio Host

Dr. Yosh Taguchi

World renowned Urologist,
 Royal Victoria Hospital

Dr Tina Kader

Staff physician in the JGH's
Division of Endocrinology


Laugh Therapist

Dr. Alexandra Zorbas Award winning podiatrist.
Frances Michaelson,
Licensed Naturopath

Ms. Michaelson will be speaking to our members, friends and community in May, 2018.  More details will be posted as soon as they are available.
Liat Lev Ary

Liat is a well known Montreal Notary who will be talking about Wills and Mandates.

Several years ago Brother Phil Troy, PhD. came up with an idea to form a committee to develop a series of presentations, about how we can help ourselves, or how we can benefit medically, based on the experience or training of a speaker. This project would be oriented both towards KOP members and their families, as well as others in the community.

Brother Phil drew up a whole list of topics and the source of where to look for the speakers as well. You might say that thanks to Brother Phil Troy and the late P.D.S.C. Sir Gerald Weinstein we were able to put together several successful, well attending programs.

Our first program was held on March 21st 2011 on a Monday night, our first speaker was Caryn Roll who is a registered dietitian and member of the Ordre Professionel des Dietetistes du Quebec. Her topic was How Easy it is to Achieve a Healthy Diet and how much fun nutrition can be while giving you tips on how to improve you health with food. The program featured a slide show and documentation was distributed to all who attended.

Our second program was held on Monday June 13, 2011featuring Ms. Rosemary Steinberg, Ombudsman at  the Jewish General Hospital. Her topic was Making the Best of A Bad Situation. How to Thrive and Survive Hospital Care; The right and responsibilities of patients receiving health care in Quebec. The program was well attended and documentation was distributed as well.

Our third program was held on Thursday, May 17, 2012 featuring Dr. Laurie Betito, Sex Therapist Radio Talk show host on CJAD. Her topic was Use It or Lose It. You Can Keep Your Sexuality Alive Forever. This program was well attended and the most lively of discussions.

On October 22, 2012 Our fourth speaker was a world renowned Urologist, Dr. Yosh Taguchi an associate Professor of Surgery (Urology) at McGill University and a senior urologist at Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal.

On May 20, 2014,  Dr. Tina Kader, Endocrinologist at the Jewish General Hospital spoke to us about Type II Diabetes.  Over 100 Pythians and guests enjoyed an amazing talk from Dr. Kader.

Our next speaker taught us that LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE.  Thanks so much to laugh therapist TRACY SCHACHTER for an entertaining and informative evening.

Our next speaker, Dr. Alexandra Zorbas, award winning pediotrist, was our guest speaker in May, 2016.  Her topic was:  YOUR FEET AND DIABETES.  A special thanks goes out to Past Chancellor FARLEY FISHMAN, for organizing this evening, and to the families of SIR JAMES INDIG and HAROLD VINEBERG, who sponsored this event. 

On May 15, 2018 we welcomed our next speaker Ms. Frances Michaelson, licensed Naturopast. A special thanks goes out to Brother Irwin Miller who purchased and donated to 12 members of the audience a copy of her self-help "get fit" book.

Due to the COVID pandemic, our latest Wellness Lecture was held on Zoom.  We welcomed a well known Montreal notary who made sure that in our final days we will have security and that our estate will be in "good health".  Thanks to LIAT LEV ARY for giving us a peace of mind.

May we continue in good health in the fall ensuring the wellness program continues and many more Pythians can contribute their knowledge and expertise in making future programs successful that will help increase our membership for many years.

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Welcome, Mr. Mayor, Mitchell Brownstein, who came to say "hello" to his 26 Knights of Pythias Brethren.

What a great Chanukah Party we had, on Thursday, December 19, 2019.  In spite of the freezing cold weather, we celebrated the warmth of the Chanukah Season, with a fabulous Kosher meal, games and prizes.  We are looking for an even better get together to celebrate Chanukah, 2020.


On Thursday, September 12, 2019, Grand Lodge had the honour of providing to our community an opportunity to laugh the night away as we invited well known Montreal comic Joey Elias to perform.

The Knights of Pythias wants to tell the community who we are, what we do and ask them to join our Order.  We believe we can make a difference.

Joey Elias performed to a SOLD OUT house of 230 people.

Thanks to the Mayor of Cote St-Luc (and Pythian Member)
Mitchell Brownstein, for addressing our audience.
Thanks, too, to the President of the
Cote St-Luc Senior Men's Club, Mr. Manny Young
to helping us laugh.

Congratulations to the Committee who made the evening happen.

Sir James Indig, John Derrick, JOEY ELIAS, Calvin Finkelstein and Michael Berman

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Knights of Pythias
Closing Brunch
In Honour of
Past Grand Chancellor
Michael Berman

On Sunday, June 23, 2019, about 60 Pythians and their guests gathered to help celebrate the end of the Pythian Year.

And what a great celebration it was!  Fun, Food and Friendship was the Order of the day!

Thank you to all those who attended.  We are certainly looking forward to our next closing brunch, Summer 2020.

On November 1, 2018, more than 100 members of our Community joined the Knights of Pythias in a reception for our new home.

We are proud to say that because of our reception and a brief slide show, showing "who were are" we recruited five new member to our Order.

Below are just a few pictures of a very successful event.

Congrats to the organizers:  Grand Chancellor Michael Berman, Vice Grand Chancellor Calvin Finkelstein, Sir James Indig and Grand Secretary John Derrick.

Thanks, too, to Arie Daniel, event co-coordinator and to Adina Derrick, baker extraordinaire!

Grand Lodge Celebrates our End of Year!!

Look at what you missed on June 10, 2018

Now it's time to celebrate and give a pat on the back to Grand Chancellor Calvin Finkelstein for being our leader.  About 70 Pythians and their guests came to the Aquatic and Community Center in Cote St-Luc for a party..... and what a party it was!!

Oh the Food!!  Of Course the best way to a

Pythian's heart is through his stomach!

Retired Grand Chancellor Calvin Finkelstein welcome over 70 Pythians and their guests to our Closing Brunch!

Last Thursday, Grand Chancellor (retired) welcomed Brother Gerry Shendelman as a Grand Lodge Officer and the newest member of our Executive.

Look at all these smiling, happy Pythians Brethren and families, enjoying a day of

Fun, Friendship and Food

Gerry Weinstein Memorial Lecture:

There were several things that Gerry Weinstein Z"L had strong feelings for:  his family and his Jewish Montreal Community, including all his work done on behalf of the Knights of Pythias and B'Nai Brith.  In his memory, on June 14, 2016, over 70 Pythians and their guests attended a special screening of the film:  Nobody was Interested. Nobody Asked: The Holocaust, the Montreal Jewish Community and the Survivors.

This film based on extensive oral history interviews focuses on the reception and integration of Holocaust survivors by the Montreal Jewish community.

This highly respected documentary explores the immigration history of Holocaust survivors to Montreal and examines their new lives here.

Attending this evening's program were the film's directors Deena Apel and Max Beer.  They presented their movie and answered questions from our audience.

Following the film, Eileen Katz, Director of the Residences B'Nai Brith House gave her tribute in memory of this truly remarkable man.  A special thanks goes out to Mr. Aaron Reimer, Gerry's nephew, for graciously lending us the audio visual equipment to show the film.

It was our honour to introduce Mr. Max Beer, Director of the Film, to show his documentary film
Nobody was Interested. Nobody Asked: The Holocaust, the Montreal Jewish Community and the Survivors.

A special thank you goes to Ms. Eileen Katz, Director of the Residence B'nai Brith House for her valuable help in setting up the film and for her moving tribute to Gerry.

Thank you, Max!

On behalf of Grand Lodge, Grand Vice Chancellor Calvin Finkelstein had the honour of presenting a cheque to the Montreal Holocaust Memorial Center in tribute to Deena and Max.

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